I realised I didn't visit nearly as much as I hoped last time, so I returned for my
last day in the city (before packing up).
I left at 10:30am, which got me at Port Authority by 11:30amish (a little later, I remember). I caught a bus to Woodbury at 12:30, and I arrived just past
1:30pm. I designated 2 hours to quickly visit the stores I wanted to see, and race
back to Union Square in Manhattan to finally see the Strand, and Barnes and Noble.
I didn't leave Woodbury until 6:30pm, oops.
Goodbye Theatre Row #1 (there's multiple but this one is outside our bus terminal) |
Driving to Woodbury is so pretty, esp with the orange leaves :D |
Goodbye, Verona Townsquare's Tree (I want to try and visit the library tomorrow) |
Goodbye sign that I interpret is being rude to New Jersians while Char views as encouraging (we'll never know) |
Goodbye Metlife building |
Goodbye weird model lady who poses worse that anybody I've ever seen.......... she needs some lessons from me |
It was raining, again like last trip to Woodbury, and I was prepared this time!!! I had my poncho. I was the only one wearing one, probably looking insane, but hey-- I was never wet. That was worth it.
I shopped at:
- Coach
- Ralph Lauren
- Nike
- GAP (I accidentally walked out without paying for shoes and nobody noticed but I couldn't deal with the guilt and returned to pay)
Wowee look at Ralph Lauren |
This was cute until I felt the material and my face immediately made a >:( |
Cool (ps me in the background; even cooler) |
Pumpkin Patch for adults |
What a day!!! I loooooved it, I had a lot of fun. One of my favourite days from this trip.
I was home by 8:30pm, and unfortunately missed the live premiere of Shadowhunters D; D; D; D; (that....... SUCKED!!!!). Oh well. I'll watch it another time. Without the New Yorkian Experience. :(
The other thing I've been up to is deciding which course and uni I'm putting as my top preference. I've gone back and forth a thousand times, I wish I knew what kind of teacher I want to be :( All today I was thinking "Yeah!! I'll go to USYD and be a primary teacher". But now I'm back to "OH I'll be a modern history teacher first" but haven't decided which uni. Like I really didn't like Sydney, last time I went. But I get a lot of shame for liking Newcastle. What. To. DO??????
I'll be packing away tomorrow. Kerri is taking us to an American diner for dinner woowoo.
Enjoy your day,
From Calypso.
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